Yun Ah
Asian Misidentification (2021-Present)
This project aims to debunk how different Asian ethnicities are perceived, and assigned to a particular discriminatory bubble.
Celebrating AAPI Artists (2020)
My accordion-style book, Celebrating AAPI Artists, celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, and artists whose art practices and artworks I personally find inspirational.
Coming Out of the Fog (2018)
For this series, I intimately looked at myself and this brand new way of documenting my life as a Korean-American, while acknowledging that I know close to nothing about my Korean heritage.
Days with Her (2021)
This book is for my foster mother, myself and the hope to find either her or my birth mother. Longing for and looking for reunion in a daunting attempt to reform my lost first family due to adoption.
Fitting Stereotypes (2020)
Whenever I meet new people, friends, or the elderly, they always assign me an ethnicity that fits my discretion. Most commonly it's one that's different from my own.
Korean Dress (2021)
This woodcut print pictures a korean woman in a Hanbok or a traditional Korean dress; it symbolizes my seperation of korean history, fashion and need for belonging within its rediscovery of my Korean identity.
Pre-Existing Conditions (2020)
Pre-existing Conditions explores and installs the somewhat amorphous continuum which embodies the topic of children who are adopted having congenital anomalies.
Tracing Faces (2019)
What does a simple profile picture say about each of us? What assumptions do we as viewers tend to make, in order to ‘paint’ the person? How does that affect the ‘subject’ posed in the photograph?
Voicing Adoption Diaspora (2021)
In response to South Korean Preseident, Jae-In Moon’s comment that an adopted child could be take back if the parents don’t want them, brought about a huge campaign and movement that has involved adoptees on a wide scale. The #NotAThing movement, which states that adoptees are not property to the adoption system, was what led me to make work on the concerns of how adoption trauma plays a role in an adoptee’s life.
What is Saekdong? (2019)
What is Saekdong?, delicately places a person's history through fabric design, and the stigma of "not american enough", or "not asian enough".